03:13:04 winter nights we sang in tune played inside the months of moon 03:14:26 hi etea can i voice the members? 03:24:28 sure 03:24:58 its not +m 03:25:07 so no need really but if you want 03:25:27 just dont get it stolen 03:25:31 hahah 03:25:41 i worked hard to steal it 03:26:51 getting this chan makes up for the lost ones 03:27:01 kinda' 03:27:10 still not as cool 03:28:48 i found one of my cats whiskers on the counter 03:28:57 kinda wild 03:29:04 use it for a spell 03:29:24 What kind of spell 03:29:30 I like spells 03:29:43 I learned how to say penis in chinese today 03:41:33 well 03:41:45 if you know the cat 03:42:12 you know what it might have 03:42:36 you dont find em very often 03:42:40 i can tell you that 03:42:58 not just natural fall off 03:43:09 rare 03:44:54 Ya whiskers 04:13:50 dawg 04:13:51 et 04:13:56 hope ur cat is ok 04:14:12 i bet you feel close to him 04:14:13 haha 04:14:22 would rather go through something 04:14:30 than have him to through it 04:17:23 hahah 04:17:27 sup 04:17:29 killer clowns from outer space 04:17:31 the game 04:17:31 yeah he is ok 04:17:33 heyyy et 04:17:36 how are ou 04:17:36 sup 04:17:42 im alright 04:17:54 good to hear 04:17:55 got a lil freedom left 04:17:59 im watching this preview 04:18:01 not much though 04:18:23 ohd 04:18:27 no beers 04:18:35 lol 04:18:40 yes i have brew 04:19:03 awesome 04:19:07 i have a'nuff pot 04:19:17 Prove it 04:19:24 cool 04:19:28 thats good 04:19:32 so everyone is happy 04:20:26 i am but i know this is going to end in a week or so 04:20:33 thats the depressing part 04:20:58 but whatever 04:21:36 i guess im ok 04:21:42 i miss my dad baddd 04:21:46 but other than that 04:21:51 i hear ya 04:22:27 i always think another guardian angel on your side 04:24:09 Michael 04:24:12 the angel 04:24:17 come onnnnn dowwwwn 04:24:49 I miss my dad bad also =[ 04:25:10 same.... 04:31:48 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=azNFm4A4l_g&pp=ygUMc3RpbHQgcHM1IHZy 04:31:49 (LuGgz) Stilt Demo Trailer - length 53s - 23 likes - 2,241 views - Rekt Games on 2023.02.23 04:46:27 bruh ivrorydogg pm me this shit 04:46:32 We should packet sp3 04:46:37 lol 04:46:47 That nigga bugging off meth lol 04:47:21 elevator dont stop on all the floors 04:48:30 A few wings short of a KFC bucket 04:49:39 Who in their right mind would want to stop on all floors 04:50:09 I wish i had some tacos rn 04:50:23 U moms gave me her taco 04:51:48 Yew have aids theb 04:51:53 did you park the sausage boat in taco town 04:52:04 Shiiieeet 04:52:05 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zGxgl5Q2W8Q&pp=ygUYImZpbmFsIHNob3QiIHBzNCB0cmFpbGVy 04:52:05 (LuGgz) Final Shot | Release Date Trailer - length 50s - 10 likes - 1,888 views - ChiliDog Interactive on 2023.11.16 04:52:08 try that et 04:52:14 looks fun as fawk 04:53:03 These things are delicious https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/icofMkmW/1000011166.jpg 04:53:29 yeah 04:53:31 yumm 04:54:00 hmm 04:54:07 thats looks alright 04:54:11 nostalgic 04:54:45 hard to find good games 04:56:59 did you try baseball 9 04:57:04 might be the best baseball game eva 04:57:12 rumor has it 04:57:17 that game looks hella fun 04:59:26 nope 05:00:37 it is on pc and android 05:00:56 no psx yet 05:01:49 installing on chromebook 05:02:11 i thought you had it 05:02:11 awesome 05:05:19 that baseball 9 is on bluestacks 05:15:26 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ERQIlrFoqZI&pp=ygUXdGh1bmRlciByYXkgdHJpYWxlciBwczU%3D 05:15:26 (LuGgz) Thunder Ray - Release Trailer | PS5 & PS4 Games - length 60s - 1,610 likes - 55,279 views - PlayStation on 2023.09.07 05:15:31 this is the game i bought 05:43:00 just hit a 509ft homer 06:17:57 summit india 06:18:00 jim Vincent 06:18:01 haha 17:53:15 Ohai bruh 17:53:18 Wassup cocksucka 18:02:46 U moms 18:07:53 my dick 18:08:30 spy 18:23:16 Etea my msg 22:45:05 heyy nes 22:45:08 et! 22:45:15 was just going over baseball strategy 22:51:16 Howdy LuGgz [8 22:51:57 hiiii 22:52:19 How wqs your weekend? 22:54:08 fine weekend sir 22:54:32 Im not a sir =x 22:56:59 oh 22:58:14 [8 23:03:55 im back 23:04:00 was talking to my mom