03:51:55 oi cunt 03:51:58 r u wastin my flava 05:06:33 just got off zoom chat with god 05:13:52 as LuGgz would ask.. what did it do? 05:18:30 etea: ur nevar gona scoar 05:18:48 i dont want to 05:18:56 i practice safe sex 05:18:58 alone 05:19:05 wen did u last scoar 05:19:13 a few mins ago 05:19:19 with a female 05:19:23 no 05:19:37 no 05:19:39 i masterbated 05:19:40 u nigger 05:19:42 u nevar scoared 05:19:43 evar 05:19:46 and ur nevar gona scoar 05:19:54 nou 05:20:02 i score by not scoring 05:20:11 yeah but u nevar scoared tho 05:20:38 define score? 05:21:08 wen u make da boom boom 05:21:15 u nevar scoared 05:21:19 dude 05:21:28 i took a few craps today 05:21:33 me2 05:21:41 i like it 05:21:44 ur nevar gona scoar 05:21:50 its right next to my roomies room 05:22:03 so when i can really make it loud 05:22:07 i do 05:22:14 then ill add a few grunts 05:22:17 hahaha 05:22:25 just to fuck with em 05:22:33 r u a grown man with a roomm8 05:22:36 make it dramatic 05:22:44 hell yeah dawg 05:22:51 this is y ur nevar gona scoar 05:23:02 hahaha 05:23:09 wanna be my roomie? 05:23:14 nevar 05:23:16 i have a spare room 05:23:33 im gonna rent that shit out too 05:23:37 i have 3 bedrooms 3 bathrooms a garage and office 05:23:46 all 4 me 05:23:48 gjj richie 05:25:00 ur nevar gona scoar 05:26:03 https://ytmndbeware.ytmnd.com/ 05:26:06 Title: YTMND - YTMND COMEDY CLOWN KIDDIE RACISTS BEWARE 06:09:24 stegOsaur: 06:09:25 Stfu 23:25:37 bruh: ur nevar gona scoar 23:35:21 Stfu