01:03:59 lol 01:07:46 i command thee to silence 01:15:39 Suck it 01:47:42 etea: ur nevar gona scoar either 02:27:19 well 02:27:28 lets talk about that 02:27:54 when is the last time you scoared 02:27:58 and how 02:28:21 help us out 02:28:26 show us how 02:28:41 hahaha 02:28:59 im sure it wasnt your good looks 02:29:01 lol 02:29:10 was it buying hookers 02:30:00 It sounds like hping might be sending a high volume of packets, overwhelming your cable connection and causing it to time out. You could try adjusting the packet rate or reducing the number of packets being sent to see if that helps. Additionally, make sure you're not inadvertently causing a denial-of-service (DoS) attack on your own network. 02:30:39 i just found a fat nug in my jacket pocket 02:30:42 lol 02:52:32 yeah i did buy a hooker last time 02:52:42 shit i don't even wanna have sex with non-hookers anymore 02:52:46 so much drama 02:52:47 and they're not as hot 02:52:51 and they want kids n shit 02:53:09 oh yeah then some of them don't give head 02:53:16 you ever get caught with one of those chisk 02:53:22 you spent all the time and you finally get 2 plow 02:53:25 then she's like o i don't do that 02:53:29 what do you mean you don't do that 03:09:10 I dont fuck hookers 03:09:15 ・゜゜・。。 ​ ・゜゜\_​O< QU​ACK! 03:21:49 <einstain> I'll jerk off on your face 03:21:49 <etea> why would you say something like that? 03:21:49 <etea> you def need some help 03:21:49 <etea> i dont think im qualified to provide the help you need 03:21:49 <etea> you might need a professional 03:21:50 <etea> thats the only help i can offer for mental conditions 03:22:06 that was in #help 03:22:12 i go there to help ppl 03:22:15 hahaha 03:22:50 gotta love efnet 03:22:59 but im srs in a way 03:23:10 they dont say shit like that on freenode 03:23:14 or when it was 03:23:19 lol 03:23:26 those guys 03:23:33 even though polite 03:23:36 etc.. 03:23:42 you fuck wth them 03:23:52 diff ballgame than efnet idiots 03:23:54 lol 03:23:59 lol 03:24:03 dont 03:24:05 thats all 03:24:25 they gonna mess you up 03:24:34 and not with packets 03:24:36 lol 03:24:42 get in ya stuff 03:25:08 show you a screen shot of your desktop 03:25:12 shit like that 03:25:27 its horrible 03:25:29 lol 03:26:11 you dont mess with ppl unless they threaten to packet 03:26:17 then they punks 03:53:34 W0t 03:55:39 what i mean is 03:56:06 if someone is just a packet kiddie i wouldnt fear them as much as someone who wasnt 03:56:23 then they do other things 03:56:24 lol 03:58:48 Well duh 03:59:17 People that always chat about packets usually arent v skilled 03:59:29 Or theyd be doing other shit then irc packet threats 03:59:39 Bcz theyd have a real job making $$ 03:59:40 [= 03:59:55 I barely worked this whole past week 04:00:02 Ive been super sick =[ 04:02:41 i was not too long ago 04:02:45 lung stuff 04:02:48 lol 04:02:53 bongchitus 06:41:13 sex 16:03:58 Dat 16:04:03 Do me a favor 18:31:16 hey hey 18:31:21 et! 18:31:35 sp3 down with o p p 18:31:50 sup 18:32:04 yooooo 18:32:09 was having a good time 18:32:16 in #philosophy 18:32:28 til these 2 doods started argueing 18:32:30 hahha 18:33:19 one is new 18:33:23 named christ 18:33:30 we got a live one Here 18:33:32 hehe 18:35:26 i already brought my story of 2 nerds arguing in HS 18:35:26 haha 18:53:46 coooool 18:53:52 just got done talking to mom 18:58:42 good 18:58:50 always a good thing 19:00:05 yep yep 19:00:34 did you beat that hotline game 19:00:38 it looked dope 19:00:54 im still working on baseball 19:01:04 saved a couple whole games 19:01:10 they were close too 19:01:26 no im still messig wth rollerdrome 19:01:49 Yeah 19:01:53 i remember now 19:01:56 that game looks fun 19:02:02 mom had a few bucks hidden 19:02:08 so i get to goto tha sto 19:02:15 i got to drink beer last night 19:02:22 went over to my friend brad's 19:02:26 he accepted a beer 19:02:28 was dope 19:02:37 i dont think he gets to drink much 19:02:42 cause of his wife 19:03:55 i missed group on Wednesday 19:04:04 i could tell Erika thought i was coppin out 19:04:05 hehe 19:04:12 no, i was actually sick then 19:13:22 sick 19:13:28 im always sick 19:13:31 in the head 20:24:34 God is great 20:25:47 Stfu 20:45:10 hahahah 20:45:54 i swear i was walking to tha liq et 20:46:17 heard someone fire up a chainsaw 20:46:23 fawk 20:47:36 i kept going right 20:47:48 it was dark and late 20:48:27 it was ice stormin 20:48:31 and fixin to go off 20:51:09 so i stopped by brads 20:51:10 with some beer 20:51:21 i have to ask his wife whether he can have one 20:51:23 heeh 20:51:43 and she finally found out it was tryng to go big 20:51:49 tha weather 20:51:51 hahaha 20:51:55 that's why i stopped by 20:52:08 it was howling with ice chips in the air 20:52:26 so she goes you shouldn't have stopped by 20:52:30 haha 20:52:38 and as i was walking out 20:52:42 i hear you dog 20:52:55 we had to contact major weather services 20:53:01 to stop that weather storm 20:53:07 i think i was gonna be toast