01:18:40 suppp 01:18:50 this one time 01:19:01 i went to a summer camp 01:19:08 with my great friend 01:19:14 it was classic 01:19:33 i think he was getting nookie 01:26:31 it was the summer before 6th grade 01:26:46 first day of middle school 13:57:04 quality chats while i was gone 13:57:12 is lugz a troll or a mongoloid? 13:57:32 with the best ones, its hard to tell the difference 13:59:38 or, are you actually friends with middle schoolers etea? i wouldnt put it past you XP 14:14:34 oi cuntz 14:14:40 i'm known in da outback 4 killin queerz 14:17:48 how many ya get so far m8 14:17:53 aww m8 14:17:59 i've killed over 2000 queerz in da outback 14:18:01 in da outback m8 14:50:56 good on ya innit 14:53:32 i didnt even know there were 2,000 people in the outback 14:53:36 much less that they were all gay 14:53:43 no wonder the outback is hot and stinky 14:53:50 must be all that grubby gay sex 14:53:59 crocs take em all 15:05:50 havent u seen priscilla queen of the desert 15:05:55 thurr be qurrz out durr 15:06:48 but also all those gayfags that got lured and chased off a cliff from the park where they were tryna scoar a blow job 15:06:51 that shit was me 15:06:56 those gangs tried 2 take credit 15:06:58 so did the cops 15:06:59 nope 15:07:00 all me 15:07:02 i killed all of them 15:07:11 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gay_gang_murders 15:07:11 Title: Gay gang murders - Wikipedia 15:07:54 but yeah the cops dont do shit about it i mean they're blowing eachother in parks 15:08:04 gaping 2 15:08:11 then eat da poopoo 15:46:26 no, wtf is priscilla queen of the desert 15:46:30 i dont want to know do it 15:46:32 do i* 15:47:36 haha Gay Gang Murders thats fuckin awesome 16:27:50 thanks ehhtehh i feel recognized 16:28:10 luldangs i'm gonna try to fix my luldangs socket errors now so i dont get disco'd tonight 16:36:17 lol 20:05:34 @seen bruh 20:05:34 bruh (uid529593⊙ihic) was last seen joining #god on Thu August 8 15:45:40 2024 UTC (4 hours, 19 minutes, 53 seconds ago) 20:05:41 lol 20:05:47 sup mf 20:16:57 cops fucking with a nigga 20:24:48 Hello etea 20:28:11 lol 20:28:38 LuGgz, 20:29:38 * etea makes some ramen noodles for bruh 20:29:43 lol 20:30:28 fuck that shit 20:30:37 i aint touching another amen 20:30:38 ramen 20:30:41 You dont like ramen noodles brah? 20:30:48 not everyday 21:23:00 cops fucking with a nigger 21:23:03 isnt that what theyre there for 21:23:15 (o_O) 21:36:59 Rude d4 21:51:49 He ain't lying tho 21:54:49 Dewd 21:54:57 Eat sum ramen and shut y0 mouf 21:58:16 Suck it. 22:00:45 i like sugar and i like tea 22:00:52 but i dont like niggers no siree 22:01:27 lol 22:29:59 well 22:30:07 the bigger the nigger 22:30:23 the quicker the trigger 22:30:36 thats right ppl 22:30:40 dont forget it 22:31:04 sheeit 22:31:08 that big ass nig 22:31:15 commin at u 22:31:22 sheeit 22:31:30 dont think twice 22:31:37 shoot that mofo 22:32:12 ...........wha5 else ya gonna do 22:32:12 * nes0r shoots eta 22:33:34 lol 22:33:44 now i dont itch anymore 22:34:47 wtf 22:34:57 i dunno 22:35:01 is it because i am juped and gay 22:35:04 i thought someone was fucking with u 22:35:07 this was the last nick left that started with jrra 22:35:23 k 22:35:39 dont kick packet me 22:35:43 we accpet your gayness 22:35:52 tiz cool 22:36:41 who jupped u 22:36:47 sec 22:36:57 i see 22:36:59 according to my research 22:37:00 one sec 22:37:05 i am being juped by a bunch of fucking faggots 22:37:08 lol 22:37:41 now jrra 22:37:48 tell me 22:38:00 look at your juped ip 22:38:05 and my juped ip 22:38:24 * [jrra] (~loller⊙sc): QQ sweetpea 22:38:24 * [jrra] irc.swepipe.se :Swepipe EFnet Server (IPv4, IPv6 & SSL) 22:38:24 * [jrra] :actually using host 22:38:24 * [jrra] End of WHOIS list. 22:38:24 i see 22:38:24 according to my research 22:38:26 one sec 22:38:28 i am being juped by a bunch of fucking faggots 22:38:32 lol 22:38:34 Looking up 22:38:36 Resolved to shit.credit 22:38:38 * [et] (~et⊙vceo): https://ufonet.03c8.net/ 22:38:39 Title: UFONet - Denial of Service Toolkit 22:38:40 * [et] irc.Prison.NET :Prisoners of the Internet... 22:38:44 * [et] :actually using host 22:38:46 thats vaes shit 22:38:53 whoa 22:38:53 lol 22:39:01 eta 22:39:07 i just figured something out 22:39:11 vae is gae 22:39:14 lol 22:39:18 hahahha 22:39:28 dude 22:39:45 i made the chan #vae 22:39:50 he is in there 22:39:53 with his crew 22:40:01 it dont have ops 22:40:05 so its fun 22:40:10 lol 22:40:17 i fuick with them all the time 22:40:18 eta listen 22:40:23 i'm going to sign off and back on later 22:40:26 cuz i'm moving vps 22:40:33 k 22:40:34 i hope you won't kick me just for being gay again 22:40:44 ill try not to 22:41:30 until 22:41:34 you knoe 22:42:07 the secret passy me n jrraa set up 22:42:24 i think you are an imposter 22:42:43 you would have pmed me 22:42:45 that 22:42:49 right away 22:42:57 https://jrra.zone/t/5db96976c8a997dc/ninnies.jpg 22:43:01 ask nes about that image 22:43:08 that will prove i am who i say i am 22:43:52 sure you can link his links 22:43:55 but 22:44:09 we cant be sure 22:48:39 nes0r: 22:48:41 tell eta 22:48:44 about that jpg 22:48:46 lol 22:49:28 no 22:49:32 ya host is off 22:49:43 its on auto op 22:50:07 if you had real host 22:50:43 <*autoop> | jraa | *!*@jrra.zone 22:50:56 i use *.jrra.zone also 22:51:14 sure pal 22:51:19 so do i 22:51:23 lol 22:52:50 Fuck you jrra. 22:52:55 I h8 yew 22:52:58 you lvoe me 22:53:39 its an imposter 22:53:41 Eta 22:53:44 Msg me pls 22:53:53 I msgd you the other day and you ignored me 22:53:54 do what 22:53:57 It hurt my feelioa 22:54:01 Feelios 22:54:06 you got cash app 22:54:10 or paypal 22:54:14 i dont msg free 22:54:18 Jrra told me you ignored me bcz im retarded 22:54:54 i dont think he can know that for a fact 22:55:08 i never said that 22:55:16 god did 22:55:56 Fuck you both meanios =[ 22:56:05 yeah 22:56:10 fuck god 22:56:12 I just ate korean fried chicken and you guys didnt 22:56:18 Yeah fuck god 22:56:26 i used to get korean fried chicken 22:56:30 when i lived in sv 22:56:32 so good 22:56:32 There is no such thing as god 22:56:41 Idc jrra 22:57:05 I had japche and fried rice and 1 korean fried chicken drummy 22:57:30 @seen jraa 22:57:30 I have not seen jraa 22:57:39 lol 22:57:40 @seen jrra 22:57:40 jrra (~jrra⊙jz) was last seen quitting for "irc.swepipe.se se.hub" on Thu June 27 22:26:05 2024 UTC (42 days, 31 minutes ago) 22:58:10 Vaes been fucking w me vae 22:58:20 Vaes been fucking w me eta 22:58:30 Being a fucktarded dickwad 22:58:33 For no reason 22:58:34 he juped the nick vaegina 22:58:40 cuz i was using it 22:58:43 I have no idea why or wtf i did 22:58:44 srsly 22:58:49 who is it 22:58:59 lol 22:59:01 Ive barely been chatting bcz ive been recovering from surgery the past 2 weeks 22:59:46 This whole drama hes causing is so preschool level