00:57:46 ? 01:48:27 yoo 01:48:37 great genesis game 01:48:49 and a system i'd like to play 01:49:04 seems rare in the emulators used 01:49:15 mame, md, ss 01:49:21 easy a great top 3 01:50:03 they hardly ever have ss 01:55:20 im pissed off 01:55:39 watching a show called jail 01:55:43 kinda cool 01:55:58 showing female criminals getting busted 01:56:09 hot skanks all fucked up on drugs 01:56:11 lol 01:57:14 haha 01:57:24 real cause it had to happen 01:57:26 ? 01:57:32 i was j/k 01:57:37 i dont know 01:59:48 ever watch that show "jail" 01:59:52 lol 01:59:57 preety fun 02:00:02 i should go look 02:00:06 at pluto 02:00:07 watchin fucked up ppl get busted 02:00:10 see whether it on 02:00:11 haha 02:00:22 no 02:00:22 i laugh at the kinda fight they put up 02:00:27 its on reg roku live tv 02:00:31 oh 02:00:33 if you stream 02:00:48 do you have pot? 02:02:33 some 02:02:33 some are to imbarrassed to ask again for a name. I'm not 02:02:48 mom said none til next Wednesday 02:02:52 she came over right 02:03:03 and her key wouldnt work 02:03:05 dang 02:03:21 good 02:03:31 i like it when you have weed 02:03:33 lol 02:03:40 aso 02:03:45 i know ya happy 02:03:51 or at least a lil bit 02:03:54 lol 02:03:59 also, im not gonna drink 02:04:08 til 2025 02:04:10 i wish i could do that 02:04:14 its very hard 02:04:29 but good luck bro 02:04:35 hope you make it 02:04:39 but hey 02:04:41 if not 02:04:43 soo what 02:04:48 do what makes you happy 02:05:07 thanks 02:05:07 thanks was just curious what average trinket looked like 02:05:12 thats what borg said to me once 02:05:16 you're a good friend 02:05:19 when i quit drinking 02:05:19 haha 02:05:26 i said god damm it borg 02:05:33 i quit drinking 02:05:40 but i want to drink soo bad 02:05:46 its driving me crazy 02:05:48 lol 02:05:52 he said 02:05:55 well man 02:06:02 doo what makes you happy 02:06:06 i was like 02:06:09 brb store 02:06:12 lol 02:06:14 haha 02:07:04 borg is a good guy 02:07:18 glad you you found him 02:07:26 yeah man 02:07:31 preety wild 02:07:41 we been irc friends since 98 02:07:58 long time 02:08:01 proven 02:08:26 we been friends a while now too 02:08:35 im not sure 02:08:54 but i think 4 yrs or so 02:09:13 maybe more 02:09:17 when it comes down to it 02:09:19 def not less 02:09:39 being around u 2 rules 02:10:01 your company is cool too man 02:10:02 you are clever and borg's light shines storng 02:10:09 lol 02:10:19 birds of a feather 02:10:24 flock together 02:11:05 at least we got a new hang out 02:11:06 lokl 02:11:21 this #god channel is good 02:11:26 and #sp3 02:11:30 yeah 02:11:37 you and sp 02:11:44 2 out of 3 of my favs 02:11:51 very mellow chans 02:11:57 nice ppl 02:12:13 sp is classic 02:12:15 i like depression a lot 02:12:19 #depression 02:12:23 he cooks eggs ery'day 02:12:25 its not modded 02:12:28 so no kicks 02:12:31 etc. 02:12:36 and everyone is nice 02:12:53 yea 02:12:56 not sure how it keeps things soo cool 02:12:59 just 02:13:04 the bad ppl dont go there 02:13:09 for some reason 02:13:14 oh man 02:13:22 tha last frontier 02:13:30 beem me up scottie 02:13:35 lol 02:13:43 damm it scottie 02:13:49 drop that bottle of gin 02:13:53 lol 02:14:03 no drinking for LuGgz 02:14:06 lol 02:14:26 HeH 02:14:26 HeH is l0deradio awake? Got some weird shit to discuss 02:14:43 what have you been drinkin 02:14:45 haha ElBurro 02:14:51 such a nice bot 02:14:52 i want a six pack of zema 02:14:58 wow 02:15:06 havent drank those ina very long time 02:15:11 do they even exist 02:15:34 could be 02:15:38 they would come with that card 02:15:42 might be a long shot 02:15:52 i saw at the liq about 3 months ago 02:16:11 a big plastic upside bubble 02:16:25 with dark liq in der 02:16:30 i wanted mom to try 02:16:35 it looked good 02:19:44 do you still have ur cat 02:35:03 lol 02:35:11 packets again 02:35:17 fucking idiots 02:37:12 a's down 1-3 02:37:16 playing seattle 02:38:16 now 1-4 02:38:18 hha 02:39:58 well hell, this game be steep sometimes 02:41:35 did you play that new roller blade game 03:12:50 this is hilarious https://www.instagram.com/reel/C8sBSCyAEqp/?igsh=eWJ3a282bGM5bnBn 03:12:51 Title: Asian Technology | Imagine a future where robots are the ones managing the workforce, even firing em ... [trunc] 03:34:00 <\\GAZOO\\> /whowas pankakes 03:49:15 Lol 13:54:58 STFU 13:54:58 STFU is fine too 17:39:49 U stfu 19:35:14 heheheheheheheheh good day all :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) 21:14:31 Stfu sthors 23:53:22 bruh: stfu! stfu!!!!!