14:14:59 packets again 14:15:00 lol 19:50:47 i am anything but pissed off rn 19:55:56 Lol 19:56:01 Shes always pissed off 19:56:08 Thats why shes always so angry and meanio 19:56:10 ・゜゜・。。 ​ ・゜゜\_ó​< q​uack! 19:56:13 .bef 19:56:13 (nes0r) The duck said no, maybe bribe it with some pizza? Ducks love pizza don't they? You can try again in 7 seconds. 19:56:22 .bef 19:56:22 nes0r you befriended a duck in 12.601 seconds! You have made friends with 1 duck in #god. 20:07:47 Ur a duck 20:17:11 Stgu 20:17:15 Stfu 20:18:07 bruh: ty and stfu 20:18:11 Kk 20:22:01 Ur gay 20:42:40 u dads is gay 20:56:03 my dad was a fuckin faggot 20:56:04 haha 20:56:14 how bout urs!!!! 20:59:24 HAAAAAA 20:59:27 GOT EMMMM 21:03:18 https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/mPukmiXE/1000018734.jpg 21:03:28 Rescue dog ate a couple nugz off my weed plate 21:03:33 Now i have to guard it 21:30:41 bwhahaha 21:32:46 nice slippers 21:32:49 jeans are for losers 21:32:50 hahahah 21:35:40 They arent slippers 21:36:13 plop plop fizz fizz 21:36:20 oh what a relief it is 21:36:21 bwhahaha 21:37:17 1 a day please 21:37:20 thank you